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What is the Dragon's Den Coin of Excellence?

  The Dragon's Den Coin of Excellence, or "Challenge Coin", was first established in 2019 by the Dragon's Den store as a means of bolstering the local hobby and gaming community.  Every year in the Spring we announce the coin recipients for the previous year, and these names are submitted to us by other members of the community.  Challenge Coins traditionally were issued by fraternal and military associations with the purpose of recognizing its members for contributions made for the betterment or benefit of others.

  That is right, YOU, the regular everyday community member can submit a name to us for the year of someone that has gone above and beyond for the improvement of the local hobby community.  This could be because the person in question sponsored or hosted a bunch of events, organized a hobby group/club, organized gaming events, created panels for a convention, or really anything as long as the purpose was the improvement of the hobby community without asking for anything in return. 

  These selfless people deserve some form of recognition, and locals in the area that are aware of just how difficult it can be to organize a community will know why there is a desperate need for some form of recognition for these individuals.  To the recipients of years past, thank you for your service to the community, and to local hobby community, choose future recipients wisely.

Coin Committee Chairman


Kevin Tutterow

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